The Friary Harvest Appeal 2021

Added on 31 July 2021

We have received this appeal from the wonderful team at the Friary, in West Bridgford: "As we begin to plan for winter by making sure our food stocks are plentiful to cope with the anticipated demand for food from local homeless and vulnerable adults like to need our services this year, we ask...

Lourdes at Home

Added on 23 June 2021

Rev'd Margaret would, under different circumstances, be taking part in the annual Pilgrimage to Lourdes from 25th June to 1st July 2021. The pilgrimage is a blessed time for all who take part – the opportunities for personal prayer, shared worship and for the company of fellow pilgrims. As...

The latest Parish Magazine is here!

Added on 05 June 2021

The latest Parish Magazine issue has hit the streets! Drop us a message if you'd like to subscribe, or you can buy a copy from St Mary's on Sunday or Wednesday - while stocks last!!

New to the area?

Added on 21 May 2021

Click here to download an A4 copy of the above leaflet