The Easter Egg that shares the Easter Story

Added on 12 February 2021

Out of the 80 million Easter eggs sold in this part of the world every year, The Real Easter Egg is the only one which has an Easter story book in the box, is made of Fairtrade chocolate and supports charitable projects. See below for links to special offers and details of how to buy. They offer fr...

Plumtree Defibrillator

Added on 10 February 2021

Thanks to Karen and Jonnie Richards of Wolds Day Nursery in Plumtree, we now have a community defibrillator. The parents of children who attend the day nursery, together with the staff and friends, have raised a large sum of money towards making this possible. Plumtree Parish Council have ...

Start the Day

Added on 05 February 2021

In Start the Day this morning, Bishop Paul and Sarah read from Psalm 36 and talk about how focusing on God’s goodness is the only way to overcome despair when we are struggling against something we know is wrong: ‘For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.’ ...

Parish Friends

Added on 03 February 2021

St Mary's Plumtree Cares About You During the lockdowns due to Coronavirus, and while we have been unable to gather together for worship, many of our Church members have been in touch with each other by phone and email, making sure we are all coping and keeping safe. We hope and pray that nobod...