Eucharist Service for Candlemas

Added on 31 January 2021

Our filmed Sunday morning service is now available to view. Click HERE to visit our Services and Events page.

Start the Day

Added on 29 January 2021

Every Friday morning Bishop Paul and his wife Sarah lead us through the Psalms and the guidance they offer, during this these difficult times. In Start the Day this morning Bishop Paul and Sarah read from Psalm 29 and speak about God displaying his power in the creation around us, encouraging us to ...

Bob Norris

Added on 28 January 2021

Our dear friend, Bob Norris, passed away after a short illness on the 2nd January. His funeral was held in St Mary’s Church, Plumtree, this afternoon. Bob was a dedicated member of the church choir for many years, only hanging up his robes when his beloved late wife June became unwell. He cont...

Changes to local bus timetable

Added on 27 January 2021

Thanks to Revd Margaret, for the following information regarding our local bus services. "From this coming Sunday, Sunday services will cease completely and Mon-Sat reduced to approximately every 30 minutes until 6pm, then hourly thereafter. Perhaps if you know of anyone who travels by Trent B...