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Plumtree Church

Assisting During Services

To ensure that church services run smoothly, there are certain tasks that can be delegated to lay members of the congregation. These are:


There are usually two bible readings and a gospel reading during Sunday morning services.  The readings are published in advance on a 'Reading Sheet' to give the Readers time to practise.  If you would like to join the group, please get in touch with Ann Tyler.

Leading the Prayers

There is a pool of people that take it in turns to lead the prayers.  This involves writing the prayers and delivering them in a clear voice.  If you would like to join the group, please get in touch with Rosemary Jordan


Sidespersons are the first people that members of the congregation see when they enter the church before a service.  They operate in teams of two and their duties are simple but important:

  • Putting up (and double-checking) the hymn numbers
  • Ensuring that the collection plates are available
  • Assembling the service items (typically a hymn book, a service booklet, a readings sheet and a pew sheet)
  • Handing out the service items as people enter the church door
  • Staying at the back of the church during the first hymn to greet latecomers
  • Passing round the collection plates and taking the collection to the altar
  • Collecting in the hymn books and tidying them away
  • Entering into the Service Book the count of the congregation and the amount of the collection
  • Putting the collection into the safe

Here's a more detailed list of sidespersons' duties.

Sidespersons are appointed by the PCC. If you are interested in becoming a sidesperson, please get in touch with Ann Tyler.

Deputy Churchwardens

The post of Deputy Churchwarden is an honorary one rather than a legal one.  The role mainly consists of assisting the Churchwardens, acting as a verger at wedding, funerals and baptisms, and counting the congregation.

Deputy Churchwardens  are members of the PCC and are proposed by the Rector and voted in by the PCC at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM), see Annual Church Meetings.

