Results of PCC Elections
Added at 12:40 on 29 April 2024
At the Annual Meeting of Parishioners and Annual Parochial Church Meeting of the Parish of St Mary the Virgin, Plumtree
held on Thursday, 25th April 2024.
The following were elected as Churchwardens:
Name: Michael Clark
Name: Ann Tyler
The following were elected as:
Lay Members of the Parochial Church Council
Name: Jacqueline Clark
Name: Dawn Clements
Name: Jane Cotton
Name: Aruna Day
Name: Nicola Hull
Name: Sue Manley
Name: Rosemary Jordan
Name: Sue Manley
Name: Angela North
Name: Martin Tyack
Ex Officio Members:
Name: Tony Darby (Deanery Synod Representative)
Name: Kate Macfarlane (Deanery Synod Representative)
Name: Paul Olejnik (Reader)